Artist Originals


This Prisma drawing was created from an idea that my wife and I came up with.   This drawing you will not find anywhere else.  This drawing is one of my favorites.   Original has not been sold. Prints have been made to sell here on my website.


This drawing was made with pencil.  I created this drawing several years ago but just recently completed it.   Original has not been sold. Prints have been made to sell here on my website.


This Prisma drawing is one of my originals.  I created this drawing of Jesus Christ to show him in all his glory.  This drawing is different and you will not find this Prisma drawing anywhere else but here.  Original has not been sold. Prints have been made to sell here on my website.


This Prisma drawing is one of my originals.  This drawing you will not find anywhere else but here on my website.  Original has not been sold. Prints have been made to sell here on my website.


This is a Prisma drawing I made of the famous Pieta sculpture.  This drawing show Mary holding Jesus Christ on her lap.  Original has been sold. Prints have been made to sell here on my website.


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